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Using Jarchiver
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Using Jarchiver

Jarchiver provides a flexible mechanism for file management. It is configured via an XML configuration file. An example configuration file, which shows all of the available options, is included in the Jarchiver download. See the configuration page for more information.

Jarchiver provides no mechanism for scheduling jobs, relying instead upon the scheduling mechanisms that are provided by the host operating system (e.g. Windows Scheduled Tasks or AT command, cron on Linux and Unix etc).

Jarchiver can also be run via the Apache Ant build tool. In this case Jarchiver still requires a separate configuration file, but this integration allows Jarchiver to be used for archiving and clean-up operations that run during each build rather than on a schedule.

Example Uses

Cruise Control
Jarchiver was developed in order to provide a method of managing Cruise Control log files and build output in an automated way. Typical usages in conjunction with Cruise Control are to prune the build log directory, manage labelled build files and make back-ups. Jarchiver can scheduled to perform these tasks or, alternatively, the build script for the project being built be Cruise Control can be wrapped with another Cruise Control specific build script that runs Jarchiver at the end of each build using the Jarchiver Ant task.

To use Jarchiver with Ant, you will need to use the following ant instructions:
<taskdef classname="net.sourceforge.jarchiver.JarchiverTask" name="jarchiver" classpathref="jarchiver.classpath" /> <jarchiver configFile="jarchiver-config.xml"/>

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