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Jarchiver Configuration

Jarchiver is configured via an XML file. An example configuration file that shows all available options is provided in the download. A Jarchiver schedule is the basic element of the configuration file. Only one schedule can be present in the configuration, and it defines any number of jobs. Each job represents an actual task for Jarchiver to perform.

Each job must contain three elements: source, selection, and actions.
The source element defines the file or folder which contains (or is) the source file(s) to perform actions on. For folder sources, the source element can specify any number of file extensions in child ext elements.

The selection element defines which of the files specified by the source element will be selcted as part of this job execution. For file based sources, an implicit selection of all is made regardless of the contents of the selection element (in fact, it can be omitted in this case).
The selection element allows the use of a number of functions to determine selection for inclusion and exclusion to and from the "operating set" of files. The selection element itself determines whether the results of the selection function should be excluded or included via the type attribute.
Available selection functions are:

  • filename - provides selection via filename matching against a regular expression
  • range - provides selection based on a range of files (e.g. newest 10, oldest 5)
  • date - provides selection based on a checkpoint (e.g. older than a week, last modified in the preceeding month)

The actions element defines a list of actions to be performed on the operating set. Each child element specifies an action to run, and actions are executed in the order that they are defined. The actions element has an optional attribute haltonerror which indicates whether Jarchiver should stoip processing actions if one fails. Remember that each action applies to the whole operating set, not just what is left after the previous action has run.
Available actions are:

  • copy - copies files to the specified target directory
  • move - moves files to the specified target directory
  • delete - deletes files
  • zip - creates a new zip archive and adds files to it
  • ftp - transfers files to a remote machine using FTP

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